Wednesday, April 18, 2018

WTF--Where is the Anti-War Left?

Where is the anti-war Left? It does exist in a few areas on the fringe but real opposition to imperialism and the permanent war state actually is centered on the right. Trump, if you believed his speeches, took on a relatively less-militant stance and anti-imperialism stance than Clinton during the last campaign. Clinton, after this recent "gas attack" fiasco, would not have bombed empty buildings--she would have brought us square into conflict with Russia because she is a genuinely neoconservative ideologue. After the election all Democrats and most of the "left" decided to double down on the canard of "Russia stole the election" and "Trump is Putin's puppet" and vigorously supported and still supports censorship of dissident web-sites by declaring them Russian agents and anti-patriotic and the whole 1950's red scare propaganda toolbox, our undermining America and the West in general.

Prominent voices against permanent war and expansion of those wars are centered increasingly on the right. Foremost journalists are Tucker Carlson and foremost media outlets are The American Conservative Magazine, The Duran, Zerohedge, Infowars, Vineyard of the Saker, and (Libertarian). There are others but those are the sites I generally look at for info. Sites on the left like, Truthdig, Moon of Alabama are active but not as concentrated on anti-imperialism as the right wing sites are.

There is no figure on the left that are like Rand Paul, Pat Buchanan, or Tucker Carlson all of whom are far more influential than any anti-war figure coming out of the left. Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders are silent on this issue and go along with the generally belligerent ideology of the Democratic Party who are now more right-wing (in the old sense) when it comes to slaughtering people for fun and profit. This seems fairly confusing except there is one simple answer to why the Democratic Party and most of the so-called left favors imperialism and permanent war--that answer is Israel. Israeli lobbyists, who don't have to register as foreign agents, are one of the main supporters of the Democratic Party and, through the financial industry, much of the mainstream media. It is largely forbidden to talk about Israeli power in Washington because the minute you do that you are going to be considered "anti-Semitic" and therefore whatever you say is dismissed out of hand. This is one of the tricks of the fake-left that is equivalent to the old-right's use of the word "communist" except the left has developed a series of terms: racist, homophobe, sexist and so on that automatically stops any dialogue because if you are called a racist whatever you say is dismissed out of hand as much or more than if you are called a communist or fascist. These terms are so loaded. This is how the right in Britain (which is actually the reverse of here--it is pro-American Empire and pro-war) categorizes the Labor Party's leader Jeremy Corbin as an anti-Semite--if you read the British press you will see that is the critique of Labor in the mainstream British press which is, on balance, right-wing--even the formerly leftish Guardian. At least in Britain there is one left-leaning paper left, *The Independent.*

I've clicked around on various leftist sites in the U.S. like *The Nation* who you would expect to be anti-war but has kind of ignored the whole Syria gas attack as have many others who may mention that going to war is a bad idea but generally, don't question the whole obviously false story of the Syrian gas attack. To put it bluntly, they don't seem to question the obvious idea of why Assad and his government which has been mainly efficient, smart, and strategically sound in their defense of their country against Jihadis financed and supported by the West (Saudi Arabia, USA, Britain, Israel, France, and Turkey) would gas people who were in the process of surrendering. On the face of it the story is complete bullshit. Imagine a boxer clearly ahead on points, in the last round, with a staggering opponent the boxer could easily put away suddenly started kicking the guy in the balls and disqualify himself--WTF? Yet most of the "left" accepts this argument--WTF? WTF?

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