I don't think we have a solid sense of what is real and not real. Certainly, it should be obvious, that there is a lot more going on than the authorities wish to tell us. The Narrative created by the mainstream media outlets is curiously the same and very arbitrary. An event happens and then, immediately without any examination of evidence, without any consideration of alternative explanations a story is presented as the truth and the bizarre thing as that people want to believe it because people need consistent Narrative or conceptual framework in which to live their lives. If they start to question authority--where does it end? What are the consequences of coming to a different conclusion than the one echoed in every news outlet, almost every periodical and every dinner conversation (well to the extent anybody talks about anything which is incredibly rare). So anything the bosses and the authorities say is obviously true because we need a view of life that is predictable and true. If I were to tell you that we are being ruled by an illegal regime that has not the slightest interest in our well-being and only in whatever they can do to loot the U.S. Treasury you wouldn't want to believe it. Evidence, I've found, is not usually critical but it is the mythological framework we choose to inhabit that is what truly moves us.
The usual story I tell to attempt to break them out of the mainstream Narrative is to state the simplest and most obvious proof, using evidence, that the mainstream Narrative is false. Sirhan Sirhan was convicted of killing Robert F. Kennedy who was going to be the Democratic Party nominee for President and he would have probably won in 1968--thus his murder was one of the most critical events in our history. The Coroner's report actually exonerated Sirhan but, while it was entered in evidence it wasn't really looked at--Senator Kennedy was killed at close to point-blank range to the back of the head from below Sirhan was in front of him and no closer than three feet. In addition, sophisticated sound analysis of the recordings of the killing recorder 13 shots coming out of an 8 shot revolver. Even if you listen to the soundtrack and listen to the description of witnesses it sounded a lot like firecrackers and no revolver can be fired that fast. In order for this to past muster, the prosecutor, judge and the defense attorney all had to be in on the fix and, of course, LAPD, the Secret Service, and probably the FBI. Sirhan did fire shots but none of those shots were fatal.
If you believe what I just said then the real political situation in the USA if drastically different and other events may well have been completely different. Anyone looking closely at JFK assassination scholarship cannot possibly believe the Lee Harvey Oswald shot the President with a third rate rifle without some divine intervention. Whatever you believe the Warren Report came to conclusions its own report failed to support (and much was left out). If you believe the most blatant forensic evidence on John Kennedy's brother (and how can you not?) then it's fairly easy to understand that there was a coup d'état in 1963 and then the whole house of cards that is the mainstream Narrative falls apart and should make you begin to suspect that events that are reported in the media may actually not be true when it suits the powers-that-be. Who are those powers? I'll wait for another post to get into that.
But the falsifying of reality in the official media is, I suggest, routine and systemic. If you, as a media personality, reporter or editorial writer deviate from the official positions on issues you are attacked mercilessly from all sides (right, left and center) and must seek alternative employment as several famous journalists who cannot be published in the U.S. have found out. Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges and his views don't exist for the mainstream and he has to work in the alternative media. Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh can no longer publish in the U.S. so he has to go to Europe to see his stories published.
But this manipulation of reality by "the authorities" doesn't stop there. It also includes any kind of alternative view of reality whether it involves ESP, UFOs, alien abductions, magic and even spirituality as a major force in human affairs. The so-called "invisible world" that often becomes very visible is reported by millions of people just in this country and even more elsewhere where magic. The official stance is that people who see alternative realities are deluded even if there are a dozen people viewing exactly the same thing they are, by definition, delusions or lies because ghosts, "aliens" and things that go bump in the night CANNOT EXIST because the authorities say so. No because there is no evidence, not because it has been conclusively been proven that once a person dies he or she dies like a bug--it's over. The saying often when you come up with an unconventional fact that you are derided and told "you probably believe in flying saucers too" a saying that goes back to the fifties. This, despite the fact, these mysterious objects in the skies are proven to exist and encounters with strange beings (I hate to call them "aliens") has been proven over and over again as a real experience by none other than the late Pulitzer prize winning Professor of Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School the late John Mack whose books are available at Amazon.
The technique of those that guard official reality is to call those that see the facts as they lay as being delusional or "conspiracy theorists" (as if conspiracies, always central in all high-stakes contests of power, are also delusions). Seldom are these "authorities" ever able to articulate a coherent argument other than simply stating that those of us who see the evidence and make our own conclusions are just "wrong." What attempts are made to "debunk" these stories are nitpicking and filled with artificial constructions that make even less sense than the theories they are trying to debunk. I've read debunkers and their intellectual methods consist primarily of bullying though sometimes they do debunk things that need to be debunked because not all stories that come from the alternative community are true or even well-meaning--some of them are clearly planted by mischief makers to discredit.
There may be no more important and vital national security operation than keeping the American (and world) public ignorant and awed by authority. The authorities in our society learned over a century ago that they can easily manipulate the public through hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestion, obvious propaganda (began with the Committee for Public Information or CPI in 1917) and continued in less formal ways until WWII when the media and the entertainment industry were all enlisted in supporting that war effort and, after the National Security Act of 1947, secret propaganda efforts were made under the CIA's "Operation Mockingbird" that paid and threatened various reporters and editors to print CIA propaganda not just in the USA but all around the world. Operation Mockingbird was replaced in the late seventies (due to Congressional investigations into the abuses of the CIA) but is now just woven into normal CIA operations.
A dramatic example of how this control of the press can be shown in two incidents. First was the release of Oliver Stone's movie JFK which was the story of Jim Garrison's (New Orlean's DA) to get to the bottom of the assassination of JFK. Like a Greek chorus the entire news establishment came down hard on Stone but, sadly for them, the movie was actually well-done and entertaining so this time business trumped "national security" and the movie did well--but the entirety of the press had to come out against it on orders, in my view, from "above." Unlike Oliver Stone, Gary Webb was not a celebrity or a proven film director but an honest reporter who was willing to investigate the CIA's drug running (the drugs trade has been woven into the CIA for some time). Most people today believe the Webb's reporting was honest and true (except the main CIA newspaper the WaPost) but when he came out with his accusations the entire mainstream media (as one Voice) destroyed his career and life and he eventually committed suicide (or not as some people believe) and this is documented in the movie Kill the Messenger.
We saw the same mob-mentality during 9/11, during the lead up to the Afghan War, to the lead up to the Iraq War, to the "gas attacks" (clearly fake) in Syria to get the U.S. to invade Syria. What is interesting is that the official largely CIA controlled is losing its touch. People kind-of believe Russia is responsible for every ill in the world but these obvious exaggerations are becoming absurd despite the endless chants of "down with Putin" repeated by the American media like so many muezzins calling the faithful to prayer. It doesn't stop there--these campaigns against the enemy of the day are reflected in news and entertainment.
Yes, there is a vast conspiracy that is no longer a conspiracy but a solid and largely invulnerable secret government some call "The Deep State" (a term I insisted on some years back and was kicked out of for using that term--a few years later the term was allowed to be used--how and why that happened is an interesting subject by itself) or "Shadow Government." This "State" is not the Constitutional Republic we think we are living in but something that, like in the time of Caesar Augustus, when Rome became an empire but still had the form of a republic. It is the same with us, we have an external form of a republic but power lies elsewhere which is why you see little if any change in policies no matter who is in power and what policies are brought out are made to be major but when looked at closely really are not. Bottom line, we are always at war and the rich are getting rich and the rest of us poorer and have been since the late seventies. Most people are content with this and that is the sad part of all this.
We are so worn down by confusion and lies spread as fact that the American people have lost a lot of the confidence we once had in ourselves and our society. I see people continually shutting themselves down so they don't have to think about our public life--they may passively accept the 24/7 propaganda but sullenly. Most people suspect that nothing makes much sense so just cocoon in their family unit, their friends, their churches, their workplaces and pretend everything is ok.
We live today in a society that mirrors M. Scott Pecks brave book on the nature of evil called People of the Lie wherein he categorizes people who live in lies and spread lies as truly evil. Today, we live in a society that is a "society of the lie." When Peck wrote his book lies were predominant in the public sphere but not ubiquitous--today there are only lies and games using lies. We can not go further in this without, literally, disintegrating as a society and disintegrating as individuals. Even when the truth seems far away we need to endure in our quest for it even if we take wrong turns which we all do from time to time. The "truth" is not about specifics but a general stance towards the world--the stance that we are willing to face reality as we perceive, perhaps very imperfectly, but we are willing to go through the journey of living in truth about ourselves and the world we live in knowing it will never be perfect but when we face in that direction our spirits become strengthened and our capacity for truth increases. Never lose that faith!
The usual story I tell to attempt to break them out of the mainstream Narrative is to state the simplest and most obvious proof, using evidence, that the mainstream Narrative is false. Sirhan Sirhan was convicted of killing Robert F. Kennedy who was going to be the Democratic Party nominee for President and he would have probably won in 1968--thus his murder was one of the most critical events in our history. The Coroner's report actually exonerated Sirhan but, while it was entered in evidence it wasn't really looked at--Senator Kennedy was killed at close to point-blank range to the back of the head from below Sirhan was in front of him and no closer than three feet. In addition, sophisticated sound analysis of the recordings of the killing recorder 13 shots coming out of an 8 shot revolver. Even if you listen to the soundtrack and listen to the description of witnesses it sounded a lot like firecrackers and no revolver can be fired that fast. In order for this to past muster, the prosecutor, judge and the defense attorney all had to be in on the fix and, of course, LAPD, the Secret Service, and probably the FBI. Sirhan did fire shots but none of those shots were fatal.
If you believe what I just said then the real political situation in the USA if drastically different and other events may well have been completely different. Anyone looking closely at JFK assassination scholarship cannot possibly believe the Lee Harvey Oswald shot the President with a third rate rifle without some divine intervention. Whatever you believe the Warren Report came to conclusions its own report failed to support (and much was left out). If you believe the most blatant forensic evidence on John Kennedy's brother (and how can you not?) then it's fairly easy to understand that there was a coup d'état in 1963 and then the whole house of cards that is the mainstream Narrative falls apart and should make you begin to suspect that events that are reported in the media may actually not be true when it suits the powers-that-be. Who are those powers? I'll wait for another post to get into that.
But the falsifying of reality in the official media is, I suggest, routine and systemic. If you, as a media personality, reporter or editorial writer deviate from the official positions on issues you are attacked mercilessly from all sides (right, left and center) and must seek alternative employment as several famous journalists who cannot be published in the U.S. have found out. Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges and his views don't exist for the mainstream and he has to work in the alternative media. Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh can no longer publish in the U.S. so he has to go to Europe to see his stories published.
But this manipulation of reality by "the authorities" doesn't stop there. It also includes any kind of alternative view of reality whether it involves ESP, UFOs, alien abductions, magic and even spirituality as a major force in human affairs. The so-called "invisible world" that often becomes very visible is reported by millions of people just in this country and even more elsewhere where magic. The official stance is that people who see alternative realities are deluded even if there are a dozen people viewing exactly the same thing they are, by definition, delusions or lies because ghosts, "aliens" and things that go bump in the night CANNOT EXIST because the authorities say so. No because there is no evidence, not because it has been conclusively been proven that once a person dies he or she dies like a bug--it's over. The saying often when you come up with an unconventional fact that you are derided and told "you probably believe in flying saucers too" a saying that goes back to the fifties. This, despite the fact, these mysterious objects in the skies are proven to exist and encounters with strange beings (I hate to call them "aliens") has been proven over and over again as a real experience by none other than the late Pulitzer prize winning Professor of Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School the late John Mack whose books are available at Amazon.
The technique of those that guard official reality is to call those that see the facts as they lay as being delusional or "conspiracy theorists" (as if conspiracies, always central in all high-stakes contests of power, are also delusions). Seldom are these "authorities" ever able to articulate a coherent argument other than simply stating that those of us who see the evidence and make our own conclusions are just "wrong." What attempts are made to "debunk" these stories are nitpicking and filled with artificial constructions that make even less sense than the theories they are trying to debunk. I've read debunkers and their intellectual methods consist primarily of bullying though sometimes they do debunk things that need to be debunked because not all stories that come from the alternative community are true or even well-meaning--some of them are clearly planted by mischief makers to discredit.
There may be no more important and vital national security operation than keeping the American (and world) public ignorant and awed by authority. The authorities in our society learned over a century ago that they can easily manipulate the public through hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestion, obvious propaganda (began with the Committee for Public Information or CPI in 1917) and continued in less formal ways until WWII when the media and the entertainment industry were all enlisted in supporting that war effort and, after the National Security Act of 1947, secret propaganda efforts were made under the CIA's "Operation Mockingbird" that paid and threatened various reporters and editors to print CIA propaganda not just in the USA but all around the world. Operation Mockingbird was replaced in the late seventies (due to Congressional investigations into the abuses of the CIA) but is now just woven into normal CIA operations.
A dramatic example of how this control of the press can be shown in two incidents. First was the release of Oliver Stone's movie JFK which was the story of Jim Garrison's (New Orlean's DA) to get to the bottom of the assassination of JFK. Like a Greek chorus the entire news establishment came down hard on Stone but, sadly for them, the movie was actually well-done and entertaining so this time business trumped "national security" and the movie did well--but the entirety of the press had to come out against it on orders, in my view, from "above." Unlike Oliver Stone, Gary Webb was not a celebrity or a proven film director but an honest reporter who was willing to investigate the CIA's drug running (the drugs trade has been woven into the CIA for some time). Most people today believe the Webb's reporting was honest and true (except the main CIA newspaper the WaPost) but when he came out with his accusations the entire mainstream media (as one Voice) destroyed his career and life and he eventually committed suicide (or not as some people believe) and this is documented in the movie Kill the Messenger.
We saw the same mob-mentality during 9/11, during the lead up to the Afghan War, to the lead up to the Iraq War, to the "gas attacks" (clearly fake) in Syria to get the U.S. to invade Syria. What is interesting is that the official largely CIA controlled is losing its touch. People kind-of believe Russia is responsible for every ill in the world but these obvious exaggerations are becoming absurd despite the endless chants of "down with Putin" repeated by the American media like so many muezzins calling the faithful to prayer. It doesn't stop there--these campaigns against the enemy of the day are reflected in news and entertainment.
Yes, there is a vast conspiracy that is no longer a conspiracy but a solid and largely invulnerable secret government some call "The Deep State" (a term I insisted on some years back and was kicked out of for using that term--a few years later the term was allowed to be used--how and why that happened is an interesting subject by itself) or "Shadow Government." This "State" is not the Constitutional Republic we think we are living in but something that, like in the time of Caesar Augustus, when Rome became an empire but still had the form of a republic. It is the same with us, we have an external form of a republic but power lies elsewhere which is why you see little if any change in policies no matter who is in power and what policies are brought out are made to be major but when looked at closely really are not. Bottom line, we are always at war and the rich are getting rich and the rest of us poorer and have been since the late seventies. Most people are content with this and that is the sad part of all this.
We are so worn down by confusion and lies spread as fact that the American people have lost a lot of the confidence we once had in ourselves and our society. I see people continually shutting themselves down so they don't have to think about our public life--they may passively accept the 24/7 propaganda but sullenly. Most people suspect that nothing makes much sense so just cocoon in their family unit, their friends, their churches, their workplaces and pretend everything is ok.
We live today in a society that mirrors M. Scott Pecks brave book on the nature of evil called People of the Lie wherein he categorizes people who live in lies and spread lies as truly evil. Today, we live in a society that is a "society of the lie." When Peck wrote his book lies were predominant in the public sphere but not ubiquitous--today there are only lies and games using lies. We can not go further in this without, literally, disintegrating as a society and disintegrating as individuals. Even when the truth seems far away we need to endure in our quest for it even if we take wrong turns which we all do from time to time. The "truth" is not about specifics but a general stance towards the world--the stance that we are willing to face reality as we perceive, perhaps very imperfectly, but we are willing to go through the journey of living in truth about ourselves and the world we live in knowing it will never be perfect but when we face in that direction our spirits become strengthened and our capacity for truth increases. Never lose that faith!
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