Most people close to
me and people not so close do not want me to talk about “political”
issues. It is considered impolite and rude to express yourself in
that area. I can talk about cars, lawns, kids, and so on but politics
even more than religion is not something you can discuss. Why?
Because most Americans of all social classes and almost all political
viewpoints do not know how to conduct a discussion or have a rational
argument. But even more to the point the information on which
political arguments are based are based on an increasingly false
Narrative out of the mainstream news outlets who are now fully
transformed as official State propaganda outlets. The media is,
collectively, the virtual Ministry of Truth. Their “reporting”
comes straight out of the permanent war state. Reporters today never
check any statement made by the U.S. government for truth—if the
CIA says Assad used chemical weapons then he did—no reason to
check. If the CIA says Russians hacked the U.S. elections then they
did it—no reason to check facts—it is enough that the government
said it.
The only real
discussion we should have is that the information we receive from the
media does not follow the very standards the media gives us. When you
check facts you cannot go to the Washington Post who evaluate the
truth claims—because their criteria for truth claims because they
are part of the political wrangling within the Washington swamp.
Their senior editors are and have been since the 1950s political
operatives for various interests—certainly the CIA, certainly the
arms industry. You cannot go to Snopes for “the truth” because
they to are an organ for the permanent government aka “The Deep
State”, “The National Security State” and so on. I’m not
saying these organs are always wrong just not reliable.
The only possible
way to arrive at the truth of any situation is to observe various
news outlets, commentators, and reporters over time. Who reports
accurately and who has been proven wrong? Seems logical, yet the vast
majority of liberals actually take what the read in the NY Times as
Gospels Truth when the evidence, over the years, is that they are
almost always wrong in their reporting of facts when it comes to
national security policy and war. The NY Times as an organization has
backed every single military action the U.S. has ever undertaken as
have most of the media. NPR, the other sacred liberal outlet has a
similar record and has earned its nickname of “National Pentagon
Still, checking sources of information may seem obvious but most people don’t operate that way. The reason why liberals trust the NY Times, NPR, and MSNBC is the same as why conservatives trust Fox News and The National Review. Human beings are mainly social beings no individuals. They tend to need to identify with a group of some kind. To belong to a group there has to be a common narrative for that group an intellectual framework that give meaning to the group and the individual within that group. This is not an option for people—it is real. That intellectual framework I call a “mythological framework” because people identify not with some scientifically arrived at truth but with stories that provide a structure for thinking about life and meaning which is myth. This is why the media, during the early part of the Iraq War, if you recall, glorified the story Jessica Lynch which was, in fact, a complete fabrication (one of many around that war). Bottom line you are fool and a chump if you believe anything the mainstream delivers to you without carefully checking it out.
The other part of
the problem of not wanting to talk about politics or really anything
of importance in social setting lest we “upset” anyone is the
“Xanification” of American culture that has been steadily
progressing. It marries three tendencies that have always been
present in American culture.
First, is that the
U.S. as a culture tends to dislike intellectuals and intellectual
inquiry because it believes that intellectuals use knowledge to “put
down” ordinary people. Knowledge is seen as a way to achieve status
as a kind of cheat—that is, the only valid status determinant is
and ought to be wealth. In many popular movies villains are often
presented as hyper intelligent while heroes are seen as ordinary guys
of incredible courage and “common sense” who always mindlessly
and irrationally function on sheer intuition and shoot first and ask
questions later. Personally, I have been continually and consistently
condemned socially by people for being “arrogant” or a
“know-it-all” and “talking down” to others. The assumption
here is that if I know more about, say, sociology or biology that by
attempting to share my knowledge with others I am insulting them. The
idea is that the only reason I am doing that is to enhance my social
status at the expense of others. The only exceptions to this rule is
if you are talking about children (if you are a woman) or cars and
sports if (if you are a guy) that’s OK to show off knowledge in
those areas as long as you don’t, if you’re a woman, go off into
social science or if you’re a man go off on the physics as it
relates to high performance cars. One must always pitch conversation
to the lowest common denominator.
Second, Americans
are increasingly becoming obsessed with “escape” whether it is TV
or gaming or cruising the internet on the one hand, or drug or sex
addiction on the other hand. The desire to escape is a key element of
most people’s lives. First, of course, escapism relieves the
tension of living in a multi-cultural society where social tension
rides high since you have to be so aware than spontaneous speech can
be offensive to others even close friends are easily insulted. In
addition, there are all the unresolved psychic ills that stem from
past abuse suffered as children, the confusing and contradictory
moral messages, the insanity in the news, the constant manipulation
by the media through fake-news and endless advertising to buy usually
useless products and just the sheer mass of information you should
probably look into but are too psychically exhausted to evaluate. So
you batten down the hatchets focus on work and family and try to not
think too much.
Third, we Americans
are usually focused on the surface of life and try to put a smiley
face on everything. This can be a good thing—after all, “positive
thinking” is a unique cultural contribution of America. The problem
comes when we ignore reality and live only on the surface of life. To
go deep may mean looking into the mirror and looking closely at our
tendencies to avoid any possibility of cognitive dissonance. A
positive demeanor is a survival tool to maintain confidence despite
appearances. This is the theme of Arthur Miller’s Death of a
Salesman. Another part of this
tendency that brings us problem is that it also makes us very easy
marks for swindlers and swindles. Living on the surface makes it hard
to see deeply into others.
those who wish to take advantage of the public have a fairly easy job
convincing that public of the most absurd and clearly false ideas
imaginable. Whether it is a fraudulent product, service, or
government propaganda Americans tend to believe in it blindly if it
hits the right “notes” in terms of American mythology. For
example, American will tend to favor war only if the government can
either make them believe the country was attacked (often through
fraud) or, like the lead up to the first Iraq War making up a story
about Iraqi soldiers bayoneting babies in incubators. The fraud
stretches back to the Spanish American War through to WWI and false
stories of German atrocities to Pearl Harbor, the Vietnam War and the
Gulf of Tonkin incident and, of course, 9/11.
incredibly simple idea of following the money and finding out who
benefits from this or that government policy is rarely even thought
about so that obviously ridiculous stories like Assad’s gas attacks
are believed without any evidence and, most strikingly, the fact
Assad having already won his battle and just about won the whole
civil war in Syria suddenly would use gas to invite foreign
intervention. As I write this this absurd idea is taken as clear
establish fact by the mainstream media again with no evidence
supporting that notion and much evidence pointing in other
directions. But this story is possible because 1)
anti-intellectualism and contempt for logic, reason and science; 2)
escapism, not wanting to face the unpleasant truths of American
policies; and 3) accepting surface explanation without delving into
motivations, finding out who benefits just accepting, on faith, that
the American media provide us with the truth because we are the “good
guys” and everyone who disagrees with us are the “bad guys” not
for any reason but just because America is a America.
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